Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Course Offering at Lesley for the spring semester!

To all Lesley students:

Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of young girls? Do you want a unique experiential learning opportunity? Do you love working with kids?

Class registration is coming up soon... sign up for
CSOCL 3999: Girlhood, Identity, and Girl Culture
With Dr. Amy Rutstein-Riley

This course is based around a community project where Lesley students will work with middle-school girls from Tutoring Plus in Cambridge.

The class will begin in the spring semester. It will take place on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:30. There will be three weeks of theory in a classroom setting. Then, the Lesley students will design and implement a seven-week girls group with girls in 6th to 8th grade from Tutoring Plus, in Cambridge. The Lesley students and Tutoring Plus girls will discuss body image, media literacy, and other issues that affect girls' identity and culture. After the seven week girls group is over, Lesley students will again meet in a regular classroom setting and learn more about the theory behind girlhood identity and culture.

This project will take place on the Lesley campus. Students will be graded on class participation, a peer-facilitated presentation, the course blog that students will be expected to write in, the Girls Group project, presentation, and paper, and a research paper.

There are no prerequisites for this class, and it is capped at 20 students, so make sure you sign up!

If you have any questions, please comment on this post or email young.feminism@gmail.com.


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