See Alexander up there? That's what I look (and feel) like right now.
Ever have one of those days?
You know, the kind where everything is going wrong and you hope you're living in a nightmare, so you can wake up?Tonight was (supposed to be) Third Wave and Community Service Club's Domestic Violence Vigil. I was all ready to go: the Women's Center was set up, programs were printed, I learned how to work the sound and the lighting in Marran Theater, food was ordered... it was ready to go.
And when I woke up, it was raining. Hard. Rain + candlelight vigil & procession = BAD. It's okay, I thought. We can just forget about the candles, I guess.
At about 3:45, right before my two-and-a-half hour class, I got an email that our speaker for the event was unable to attend due to a serious medical emergency. I frantically contacted as many people as I could to help me... and came up with nothing.
During my class, I frantically texted and emailed as many people as I could. (I think my poor Blackberry was about to explode). Whitney, Third Wave's Vice President, and I decided to cancel the event at about 5:30. During my break at class, I tried to email Third Wave and Community Service Club members... but the Lesley email wasn't working (again). I tried to contact the people on the event's facebook page, but the computer I was on dropped the internet.... and I had to go back to class.
I asked Whitney to try and do the facebook contacts... but the power was out on main campus.
Could anything else go wrong?!
We sincerely apologize to anyone who was not aware that the vigil was cancelled, and came anyway. We tried as best as we could to contact as many people as possible. The vigil will be rescheduled at a future date... stay tuned for the new date and time.